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Academic year: 2018

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  22   基本文とポイント

1 The boy playing tennis is Jim. (テニスをしている少年はジムです。)

▶現在分詞の形容詞的用法: 〈 現在分詞+名詞 〉か〈 名詞+現在分詞+語句 〉

2 This is a picture taken in Paris. (これはパリで撮られた写真です。)

▶過去分詞の形容詞的用法: 〈 過去分詞+名詞 〉か〈 名詞+過去分詞+語句 〉

3 Look at the house whose roof is red. (屋根が赤い家をごらんなさい。)

▶関係代名詞: whowhichthat(主格) / whomwhichthat(目的格〔省略できる〕) / whose(所有格)

4 This is what you have to do. (これはあなたがしなければならないことです。)

▶関係代名詞: whatは「~すること〔もの〕」と先行詞を含む関係代名詞。

5 This is the town where he was born. (ここは彼が生まれた町です。)

▶関係副詞: 接続詞と副詞の働きを兼ねる。where(場所),when(時),why(理由),how(方法)。


次の文の( )内から適するものを選び,記号で答えなさい。

⑴ A: Who’s that girl ( read イ reading ウ have read エ is reading ) a book in the corner?

  B: That’s Yumi. She’s usually here after school. 〔   〕

⑵ The girl ( take イ takes ウ took エ taking ) pictures in the garden is my sister.〔   〕

⑶ Akiko has a grandmother which イ who ウ whose is 65 years old. 〔   〕

⑷ A: This is a doll ( make イ makes ウ made エ making ) in Japan.

  B: Oh, how beautiful it is! 〔   〕

⑸ When I started learning Japanese, I read books for children ( who イ which ウ when

 エ whose ) had no kanji in them. 〔   〕

⑹ This is the book ( which イ who ウ whose エ whom ) I bought for you. 〔   〕

⑺ She is looking for an old book ( whose イ which ウ that エ its ) cover is brown.〔   〕


次の文の  に,( )内の語を適する形になおして書きなさい。

⑴ I remember one beautiful view from a plane         over the clouds. ( f ly )

⑵ When I came home, I showed my family the pictures         in Japan. ( take )

⑶ I bought a book         in easy English. ( write )

⑷ We met a group of girls         along the road. ( play )

⑸ Susan looked pretty in a new yukata         to her by Akiko’s mother. ( give )

⑹ The dog         behind Keiko was so cute that Nancy decided to take care of it. ( sit )


意味の通る英文になるように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

 The article says about 40% of high school students                 cellphones spend more than 7,000 yen a month on them.






次の日本文に合う英文になるように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

⑴ 広島は私のおばが住んでいる都市です。

  Hiroshima is the city         my aunt lives.

⑵ 私は彼の言うことを信じません。 I don’t believe         he says.

⑶ フランスで撮った写真のうち何枚かをあなたにお見せしましょう。

  I’ll show you some of the                         in France.

⑷ あの山の頂上から見られる日の出はきれいです。

  The sunrise                 the top of that mountain is beautiful.


次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

 The girl who is walking with her dog is my cousin.   The girl         with her dog is my cousin.

 Tom’s father will buy a car which is made in Japan.   Tom’s father will buy a car         in Japan.

 People speak English in many countries.

  English is a language         in many countries.

 I know a girl. Her father is a handsome singer.

  I know a girl         father is a handsome singer.

 This is a book written by him ten years ago.

  This is a book                 ten years ago.


⑴,⑵は日本文に合う英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。⑶~⑸は意味の通る正しい英文 になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

⑴ ぼくは,ぼくたちが分かち合った時間をけっして忘れないでしょう。   I will ( the / shared / forget / we / never / time ).

  I will .

⑵ まもなくバスは,大きなバケツを運んでいる女の子のグループの後ろで止まりました。

  Soon the bus stopped behind ( buckets / girls / were / carrying / big / a group of / who ).

  Soon the bus stopped behind .

⑶ It will be fun ( by / to / games / watch / played / the ) the Japanese team.

  It will be fun the Japanese team.

⑷ The ( lunch / girl / is / with / eating ) Linda is Jane. 〔1語不要 〕  

  The Linda is Jane.

⑸ What can we ( children / do / help / live / to / who ) in *Afghanistan?

  What can we in Afghanistan?

〔 注 〕 Afghanistan アフガニスタン








 On the world map ( ① ) we usually use in Japan, Japan *is located at the *center of the picture and near the top. On this type of world map, North and South America are on the right end, and Europe and Africa are on the left. We see this type of map very often, so some may think Japan is at the center of the world.

 In fact, however, on world maps ⓐ( make ) in Europe, Europe and Africa are at the center and Japan is at the right end. In the same way, in America, they use a world map ⓑ( show ) North and South America at the center.

 Among these different world maps, one thing is *common. The north is shown at the top and the south at the *bottom. *This is because most of the countries on the earth are in *the Northern Hemisphere. But in countries such as Australia and New Zealand, we can f ind even a world map

( ③ ) shows the south on the top and the north on the bottom. Actually, this kind of map is *for fun, but it also shows the north is *not always on the top.

 All of the world maps above are *correct. Just the ways of ⓒ( see ) things are different. Everybody sees things differently. People *tend to think, “I am the center of the world,” but the person ( ④ ) is next to you may think the same. You should not think that you are always right or at the center of things. There is no center on the *surface of the earth because it is

*round like a ball.

  〔 注 〕 be located at ~ ~に位置する  center 中心  common 共通で  bottom 底,最底部       this is because ~ これは~だからだ  the Northern Hemisphere 北半球

      for fun おもしろ半分の  not always ~ いつも~とは限らない  correct 正しい         tend to ~ ~しがちである  surface 表面  round 丸い

問1 ⓐ~ⓒの( )内の語を適する形になおしなさい。

  ⓐ      ⓑ      ⓒ        

問2  ( ① ),( ③ ),( ④ )に最も適する語をア~エから1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。同じ記号を何 度使ってもよい。

  ア what  イ which  ウ who  エ whose ① 〔   〕 ③ 〔   〕 ④ 〔   〕

問3 下線部②,⑤が指す内容を日本語で具体的に答えなさい。

  ② (  )

  ⑤ (  )

問4 下線部⑥を日本文になおしなさい。

   (  )

問5 本文の内容と合うものをア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。

  ア  People should use a map that shows the north at the top because many people live in the Northern Hemisphere.

  イ We need to have different types of maps in order not to lose our way in foreign countries.   ウ It is not possible to draw a world map on paper because the earth is round.

  エ People usually set their own countries at the center on their maps. 〔   〕








次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように,  に適する語を書きなさい。

 Do you know the girl with long hair?

  Do you know the girl                 long hair?

 I have a picture Jack drew in the park.

  I have a picture         by Jack in the park.

 This is the vase the boy broke.

  This is the vase                 the boy.


次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。

⑴ 私が昨夜読んだ本はおもしろくなかった。

  ( night / not / I / last / book / interesting / the / read / was / .   

⑵ 彼がかせいだお金はほとんど教会に寄付されます。

  ( money / the / will / he / of / go / to / most / makes ) the church.

   the church.

⑶ 私たちのクラスにはミサキという名前の女の子が3人います。

  ( Misaki / three / are / whose / have / name / we / girls ) in our class.

   in our class.



⑴ Great leaders must inspire their followers to f ight for what they believe in.

  (  )

⑵  Many of the machines invented by him are so common that we cannot imagine the world without them today.

  (  )

⑶ It will be better for him to learn about Nagasaki by reading books which introduce it.

  (  )

⑷  The place had a traditional Japanese garden with a small wooden teahouse. “The next group, please ...” A lady *kneeling at the small door of the teahouse and wearing a *bright kimono invited

us in. 〔 注 〕 kneel ひざまずく  bright 色鮮やかな




⑴  みやげ物屋の店員にたずねたところ,女性用のぼうしをいくつか出して見せてくれました。彼の見せてく れたぼうしの1つがとてもすてきでした。


⑵ ぼくは夏目漱そうせきの書いた小説に興味があるから,できるだけたくさん読みたいね。   




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